

Icoon september 27, 2018
Icoon Door de heer Many
Icoon 0 opmerkingen

Halongbooking.net is a website belongs to Smile Travel Co., Ltd (Smile Travel)

Smile Travel is a local travel company of experts with more than 8 years professional experience in the tourism industry.

Smile Travel is an Inbound Tour and Outbound Tour. We organize Vietnam tour, Indochina tour (including tour in Vietnam, Lao, and Cambodia) Halong bay cruise tour and travel services…

Serving international customers visited Vietnam, visiting many places in Vietnam you have a chance to learn about the country, customs and cuisine in Vietnam. Our Team has many years of experience in arranging, caring, guiding visitors along with our Teams: Gids, Sale marketing, Customer care and Operator will commit to bring customers the best service.

Come to us for us to have the opportunity to serve you. Always brings a smile to you.

Azalea vaart door Halong Bay- doei huh- bai tu long bay